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Animal Kindness - Best Practices for AAT
(OT Practice, April 2012)
Plotting Next Steps
Transitions for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (OT Practice, November 2010)
The Therapeutic use of Animals in Practice
International Colaboration (OT Australia, February 2010)
Community Partnerships
Opportunities for Exploration and Participation in Meaningful Context (Special Interst Section Quarterly, AOTA, June 2009)
An Assistive Technology Option
Assistance Dogs (OT Practice, March 2009)
Using Exotic Animals in Therapy
(OT Practice, December 2008)
Animal Assisted Therapy and Nature
(OT Practice, September 2008)
Considerations for Using Animals in Practice
(OT Practice, March 2008)
Passion, Opportunity, and Gratitude
Reflections from the Heart (OT Practice, 2007)
Embarking on the Future: Part 1
Gaining Vocational and Leisure Skills in an Assistance Dog Training Program, Part 1 (Special Interest Section Quarterly, AOTA, December 2005)
Embarking on the Future: Part 2
Gaining Vocational and Leisure Skills in an Assistance Dog Training Program, Part 2 (Special Interest Section Quarterly, AOTA, March 2006)
Dogs in Practice
Beyond Pet Therapy (OT Practice, February 2003)
In the News
Personality: Canine Care
(Albuquerque: The Magazine, February 2010)
An Interview with Melissa Winkle
About Assistance Dogs (Exceptional Parent Magazine, May 2008)
"Pawsitive Strides" in Occupational Therapy
(OT Practice, November 2007)
Double Duty
(Bark, July 2007)
Blending Assistance Dog Training with Therapy
Therapy for the Disabled (Newsline, February 2006)
The Dog as Assistive Technology
(Albuquerque: The Magazine, June 2004)
Friends of Dogwood
Dogwood Therapy Science Project
by Mikala Lee (PDF, March 2011)

Better Care With A Caredog
New Release from our friend and colleague Ingeborg Hook at the Caredog School in Sweden. This spiral bound book has over 300 pages, offering insight into working with animals in practice, and is packed with photos and descriptions of intervention ideas using a canine co-therapist. The book is $90 US Dollars, plus S&H. Tell her Dogwood sent you! Contact Ingeborg at